Steve Jobs Biography as Graphic Novel 

Steve Jobs: Genius by Design
Campfire Graphic Novels

Since the launch of Steve Jobs' biography by Walter Isaacson you have probably been planning to read it but just haven't found the time, not to mention that it's almost 700 pages long!    If that's the case then the graphic novel format Steve Jobs: Genius by Design by Campfire Graphic Novels is the perfect solution for you!

Campfire is an amazing graphic novel publisher based in India. What I particularly like about them is that they publish beautiful classics and biographies in graphic novel format at very affordable prices since 2008. I, for one, am particular fan of theirs and I have a collection of several of their classic novels.   Their books are available at selected National Book Store branches for approx P200 a copy only.  For more information about their titles check out my previous post here.

Steve Jobs: Genius by Design takes the reader through Jobs' life - from his birth, adoption, professional life until his last days.  All the facts in the book are based on research sourced from books, news articles, films and documentaries. Out of the research several interesting trivia were uncovered, including the fact that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were good friends, that Jobs created Windows before Bill Gates started Microsoft, and that when Jobs was a small boy his school teacher had to bribe him to do his homework.    The illustrations have been done with Jobs principle in mind - 'less is more'.   

To sample the novel, you can download this 30-page preview FREE of charge for iPad, iPod, PC, Mac, Blackberry and Android here.   The digital preview was released last February 24 as a tribute to the legend on his birthday.  I've sampled it and it's very easy and enjoyable to read.  Plus the visuals make it easy to remember.  The full novel will be out on April 15th and will be priced at Rupees 195 only (approx Php 170)  Hopefully it will be made available here in Manila, too!

Here are sample screenshots I took using my iPad. Enjoy! 

Here are some news articles about the graphic novel.  Click to enlarge. :-)

good novel :))
